Friday, 17 October 2014

Seventh Week

This week not much has happened but we've gotten a lot of projects, and we've started with or teddy bear in Home Ec.

We've gotten a lot of projects to do, it's weird having so many projects to do and remebering the dates for each one. 

In Home Ec, we've started making our teddy bears and and in Art we've been finishing our work and next week we'll be doing oil pastels! I'm a little worried since I've never done art before, so I might do terrible! :P

One of our many projects is Geography. Probaly my favourite subject and we're doing a project on each of the EU countries, we went up and pick our countries blindfolded, well the pages we're upside down but! Anyway I was sitting there thinking, I don't think I'll get a great country, not in a bad way just as in I probaly wouldn't know where it was in the Europe! But I ended up getting the United Kingdom!

In our Mini Company group , we've come up our name ( I just combined our names) and came up with 'SEEM', it's a play on words really :) and Emily made our logo which is amazing!
Displaying photo.JPG

Friday, 10 October 2014

Two Week Catch Up!

Fifth Week

Nothing much happened in this week except my boss for Work Experience wasn't there. 

I didn't really mind as I did filing which I liked, and I missed our Fun Walk...:( 
I was sick so I got updates about it. Sadly our class didn't win but apparently we did okay. 

Sixth Week

This week I went to school as normal and my boss was there for Work Experience.

He thought me how they use their websites, and I helped to create the winter one. 

Today, Friday the 10th, we have a non-uniform day, for "Walk in my Shoes"- it's for Mental Health awareness.The charity provides mental health services to vulnerable young adults who otherwise could not afford them. 

Everyone in our school pays 2 euro and we get to wear what we want and wear funky shoes! 

Emma x