Friday 13 February 2015

9th of Feb to 13th!

This week was a busy week.

We had our mini company presentation on Thursday and let me tell you it was nerve wrecking, we had to set up our stall and make sure our project book was finished.

When we had to talk to the judges about our product for a total of three minutes was probably the weirdest part, it was interesting and a little bit awkward since we couldn't really know what they would ask us but it was good! 

Today was great! We made and ate pancakes! It was to raise money for the National Children's Hospital and I think it went down very well!

Emma x

Friday 6 February 2015

February 2nd to 7th

Not a lot happened this week but it was still weird.

Our last zumba class was on Monday and it was a good class. Dancing awesomely. Just like that actually.

Wednesday was Work experience, that was fun! I worked with the children in the Montessori! I thought them new songs and about the sun and the moon at the stars. 

One of my blogger challenges is to but a video on my blog, firstly I have no idea what I'm doing but I hope it works!
I love this song so much so! I hope it works hahah

Emma x